We do not need nuclear power.
We didn’t need it in the 1970s when the Clamshell Alliance occupied the Seabrook, NH, nuclear power plant site and inspired a national anti-nuke movement. We need it even less today. Renewable energy can meet our needs.
And yet, today, there’s an intense campaign underway to convince people that nukes – even old, decaying ones and unproven new models – are essential for combating climate change. This is a dangerous lie.
Renewable energy is safer, much less expensive and much faster to build. But the pro-nuclear power campaign is gaining momentum and – so far – there’s little protest.
This website is a first step by a group of Clams to change that. See a story about the July 2023 Clam gathering here

No Nukes!
Acres of Clams is the story of how a handful of remarkable activists managed to build a local struggle into a successful national movement.
View the trailer to the left. Click this link to view the full film on YouTube.
You are encouraged to promote this film to others: Promotional Flyer
There is a high resolution version available for showings. Contact us for more information.
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