


Principles of Unity

All members agree the organization shall:

  1. Adhere to nonviolent discipline in all strategies, tactics, and actions of the organization.
  2. Respect all individuals, regardless of any differences.
  3. Accept decision-making protocols (as detailed below in this document).
  4. Offer support and initiate nonviolent actions to stop the use of nuclear power domestically and internationally.
  5. Offer support and initiate action for conservation and energy technologies that are renewable, regenerative and non-polluting, with a preference for small decentralized democratically owned sources.
  6. Work to abolish nuclear weapons worldwide.
  7. Perform outreach and public education to concerned citizens and interest groups.
  8. Use diverse means to get our message across, through research, writing, music, theater, visual arts, websites, social media, and nonviolent direct action.
  9. Embrace the climate change movement while we focus on ending nuclear power and build alliances with other organizations and individuals.
  10. Share Clamshell Alliance history to inspire and educate.

Clamshell Alliance Decision-Making

All agree to Clamshell Alliance’s principles of unity, including adherence to nonviolent discipline in all strategies, tactics, and actions, and the decision-making process.
Anyone proposing an action should also propose a rough timeframe for decision-making. It will be circulated to allow for a first, second and third reading if needed. The proposers will gather and record feedback and circulate amendments (through email or meetings).

The group facing a decision seeks consensus during this timeframe

  • With vigorous discussion
  • Periodic reminders of time left
  • Straw polls to get a sense of the group
  • Brainstorms to bring out new ideas
  • Smaller groups to examine differing perspectives
  • Attention to who is going to implement any action.

If consensus cannot be reached in the time allotted, the group will decide with the
consent of at least 60% of those participating to:

  1. Decide to contract for extra time to reach consensus within the meeting
  2. Decide to postpone the decision to an agreed upon future time
  3. Decide to vote using 80%, four-fifths majority rather than continuing to seek consensus.

See more info on Consensus below


Clamshell Alliance: No Nukes has been meeting monthly via online since the fall of 2021 and in person over the last three decades at summer reunions at the World Fellowship Center in Albany, New Hampshire.
Clamshell consists currently of two affinity groups and many other supporters.

Steering Affinity Group (SAG)

This is the primary decision-making body for the
organization. Consensus-seeking decisions are largely made at the monthly meetings, although provisions are made for quick decisions via an email listserv. The 14-member group was established in the fall of 2023 from the 43 people on the monthly meeting list. Those who agreed to serve are regular participants at the monthly meetings. The group is open to expansion through consensus of the current SAG members.
The group consists of is Anna Gyorgy, Adam Auster, Arnie Alpert, Brian Tokar, Doug Bogen, Sharon Tracy, Shel Horowitz, Tom Wyatt, Susanae Glovacki, Phil Stone, Jay Gustaferro, Judith Kaufman, Paul Gunter, Eric Wolfe. A quorum of the SAG comprises 50% (seven).

Website Affinity Group (WAG)

This 6-person group began meeting in early 2023 and created a new website for the organization, with the help of many contributors.
In addition the group has:

  1. set up email listservs for monthly meeting group, the SAG and WAG
  2. set up an email program to our 450+ email mailing list
  3. produced and distributed periodic emails to the email mailing list
  4. produced and distributed press releases to media contacts
  5. updated and expanded the website including current news linked headlines
  6. helped revitalize a Facebook page

The WAG members include Brenda Loew, Brian Tokar, Sharon Tracy, Tom Wyatt, Adam Auster and Yadin Flammer (our web tech guru). Volunteers welcome!

Effective Use of Consensus involves:

  • A commitment to, and investment in, the principles and success of the group.
  • A patient, willing, welcoming attitude toward opposing views.
  • Use of persuasion, good listening and information gathering during discussions.
  • Good facilitation, including co-facilitation for difficult discussions.
  • Effective time-keeping (consistent and vocal).
  • Accurate and comprehensive note-taking, reviewed and amended by participants.
  • An understanding of process tools, i.e., straw polls, brainstorms, summary of common ground positions, small groups, reporting back effectively.
  • Sharing of songs, jokes or taking breaks to relieve tension and flagging energy
  • Willingness to state reservations and “stand aside.”

Why use Consensus Decision Making?

  • It fosters creative thinking and takes advantage of all the ideas of the group.
  • It builds trust and sense of community/belonging and leads to a high level of participation.
  • It helps the group come up with decisions that everyone can fully get behind and implement.