Take Action
Action Alerts!
Take Action! Demand Congress STOP S.1111 and Protect Taxpayers from the Costs of Nuclear Disaster
Demand that your Senators Protect Taxpayers from the High Costs of Nuclear Power and OPPOSE S.1111
Here are more ways you can Take Action to help stop Nukes!
- Share our Nuclear Power is STILL the Wrong Answer! statement with your friends or interest groups
- Print and hand out Our Flyer
- Write letters to the editor of local/area publications, and your legislators
- Follow-up on alerts from Beyond Nuclear and NIRS to sign petitions, participate in events, lobby your politicians
- Learn what nuclear facilities exist in your region and contact area activist groups
- Set up speaker or film events
- Form affinity groups with fellow concerned citizens
- Organize vigils, protest actions
- Follow our Facebook page
- Join us