Group Support
Clamshell affinity group singing and holding hands during Seabrook occupation, May 1, 1977. School buses in background in preparation for arrests. © Jon Chase

Compiled by Beth DellaValle, David DiGuiseppe, Jenny Van Pelt and distributed for the April 30, 1977 Seabrook occupation

Musicians on the March
Musicians marching to occupation of Seabrook nuclear construction site, April 30, 1977. © Eric Roth

Crossing the Marsh
Occupiers marching across marsh to Seabrook nuclear construction site, April 30, 1977. © Eric Roth

Clamshell members celebrating the successful occupation of the Seabrook nuclear construction site, April 30, 1977. © Eric Roth

Occupier's Handbook for the April 30, 1977 occupation of the Seabrook nuclear construction site

Boston Bank Action
September 1 1979 occupation in Boston of the headquarters of First National Bank, a nuclear investor.

Handbook for Wall Street action, October 29, 1979. New York City

Seasoned Clams
Seacoast NH Clamshell members gathering in 2013 for oral stories with Al Giordano. L to R: Al, Cathy Wolff, Kristie Conrad, Renny Cushing, Ben Chichester, Robin Read. © Al Giordano

Wall Street Button
Button for the Wall Street Action, October 28/29, 1979

No Nukes Cow Button
Design © Carter Wentworth

Blockade Button
Button for the blockade of the reactor pressure vessel's delivery to Seabrook nuclear construction site. March 1979 action

Silkwood Brigade
The Karen Silkwood Memorial Brigade affinty group walks to the Seabook construction site as part of the April 30, 1977 occupation

Protest Buddies
Clams Patty Parker and Jenny Silverman at a Boston rally

Sun Poster
Clamshell Alliance Seabrook Sun Poster

Clamshell Cartoon
Clamshell Alliance New Yorker Cartoon by Dana Fradon - July 11, 1988

Seabrook Occupation Poster
Clamshell Alliance 1978 Poster to rally for the Seabrook Occupation and Restoration.

Rally Poster
Poster for the October 23 1976 Rally and Alternative Energy Fair