
Beyond Nuclear International Talking Points

Sum up all the arguments against nuclear power and for the climate. User friendly! And free to use!

Talking Points #1: 
Why Nuclear Power Slows Action on Climate Change. An analysis by Amory B. Lovins. 
Lays out the arguments related to carbon reductions, time and cost, which, taken together, make nuclear power the least helpful choice for climate change, and renewable energy, combined with energy efficiency, the best choice. Download the PDF version

Talking Points #2: 
“Advanced” Isn’t Always Better. Why pursuing “advanced” reactors is too slow, too resource-intensive, too dangerous and won’t result in improvements over traditional light water reactors. An analysis by Edwin Lyman. 
Debunks the many flawed arguments suggesting that “new” and “advanced” non-light-water-reactors are an improvement and needed to combat climate change. Download the PDF version

Talking Points #3:
Does nuclear power effectively reduce carbon emissions? An analysis by Benjamin K. Sovacool, Andy Stirling and colleagues. 
Looks at how countries that choose nuclear power are less effective at reducing carbon emissions than those that choose renewables, and how the choice of nuclear power can cancel out renewables. Download the PDF version

Talking Points #4:
Net zero without nuclear. It’s not only possible, but essential. An analysis by Jonathon Porritt. 
How energy efficiency and renewables must be at the heart of a Net Zero goal. Nuclear has no role to play and clinging to inflexible baseload distribution systems, on which nuclear power relies, makes it harder to bring on renewables. Download the PDF version

Talking Points #5:
Germany’s Energy Revolution is working.  
Germany’s carbon emissions did not increase as a result of the nuclear shutdown and the country is on track to meet its fossil fuel phaseout goals. Shutting down nuclear power in fact opened the way for the country’s renewable energy revolution. We set the record straight. Download the PDF version. Background sources

Talking Points #6:
Unfounded Promises. Small Modular Reactors solve none of the challenges of nuclear power and make climate change and proliferation worse. 
SMRs cannot improve on the already flawed full-size reactors, will be more expensive, take too long, have serious safety flaws, constitute proliferation risks and will make even more radioactive waste with no permanent solution. Download the PDF version. Background sources

Fact Sheets


Climate Change and Why Nuclear Power Can’t Fix It One pager

Fact Sheet for Congress

Nuclear Power Kills Wildlife and Destroys Ecosystems

Risks to Women and Children from Nuclear Power

Small Modular Reactors and Why We Don’t Need Them

Small Modular Reactors Would Produce More Waste Than Large Ones

Uranium Mining and Human Rights

Dirty, Dangerous and Expensive: the Verdict is in on Nuclear Power

“Why Nuclear Energy Is Suddenly Making a Comeback”-NOT!