Western Massachusetts Region Clamshell, Trainers, and MNS

What do liberation, process and a safe environment all have in common? For me, they all converged in Clamshell Alliance. In Western Mass some of us had been meeting regularly in Greenfield to stop nukes and support alternative energy before Clamshell got started. We had already fought and stopped the proposed Montague Plains nuke. A…

A Desperate Passion

It was on a cold spring day in May 1977 when the wind cuts straight through your clothes, the daffodils were not even out and the ground was still brown and muddy. I had moved to live in Boston from Australia six months earlier and was only just acclimatizing to the New England weather. We,…

Mass. Municipal Wholesale Electric Co.: On Being a Nuclear Flak

I was a nuclear flak. From an industry perspective, I was neither well-prepared nor eager to promote the magic of nuclear power . . . and, it certainly was NOT what I had signed on to do when I went to work for the Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company – MMWEC – in February, 1977….

Nukes’ Achilles Heel

The landmark 1977 Clamshell Alliance occupation launched a national grass-roots antinuclear movement and changed the public debate on energy. Then-President Richard Nixon called for 1,000 nuclear plants by the year 2000. Just over one-tenth of that number were built, and none after Seabrook, which was, like others, so over budget that they bankrupted their owners….